- Here to remind you to be the Light -

Why my healing work is that intense and powerful?
Because I dont´t do the work alone. I brought some Friends with me. The Ascended Masters. What does that mean: As a Medium I do have access to other Spheres, Higher realms, other Frequencies and even some Parallele Universes. And most importantly: a special connection to Ascended Masters, Angels, Elohim and Light Beings, who support me in my Daily Healing and Mentoring Work since 12 Years.
I act as a channel and support people on their healing journey in mental, physical and karmic areas in this lifetime. Transforming with Source Energy into Light.
I awakened through a long and life-threatening illness, which the best physicians and hospitals couldn’t heal - so I learned how to heal myself at the age of 22. Since then I follow my purpose and share my given gift with this planet to support healing.
Besides my Energy Healing Work I run my own Business as the Founder and Conscious CEO of MAATÏ MAATÏ Spiritual Luxury since 2017. I am living an enlightened yet grounded Down-to -Earth Lifestyle with Daily Miracles in Light.
Creating Heaven on Earth Day by Day.

For the Highest Best
Our responsibility in this life is to reconnect with our soul and understand the bigger picture, where we come from and why we are here. Many of us live a blind life - it´s time to wake up and start living a conscious, self-led life for the highest best. This is the momentum, when we start healing - on different levels. Mentally, physically and karmic on the soul level. It starts within, the birth of responsibility and living our truth. From that starting point we can learn how to manage our energies and heal. Our body, our mind and also how to change our life in different aspects: relationships, business, unhealthy pattern, outdated beliefs, toxic situations, trauma. Doing this work not only for us, but our families, future children, grand children, ancestors and beloved ones. And frequencywise for this world, our home.
I hold your sacred space and support you to heal yourself and unleash your power within. Because you are needed in your full power now in this transformative world. I empower you to awaken the highest best healthiest version of yourself to live your full potential to make a change in this world. Because You are needed. Let me show you why.
Healing starts now. I am here for you.
Who trusts in me and my work
Hey Friend,
Thanks to your soul to choose this path. And souls don´t meet by accident. This site might just inspire your soul on another level - or you feel a silent make a change now and start your healing journey together with the Light Beings, Angels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters and me. I am here to serve for the Highest Best and support you on your travel.
Oh and: I might talk to you like a Friend. Because in Higher Realms we don´t know Hirarchies. And I truly just want the highest best for you. No manipulation, no fake promises, no codependency. But an honest helping hand from a friend. And I didn´t come alone. I brought my friends. My Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters.
Ascended Mastering Life.
Together. Holding you.
Ready when you are.

How I work
This section here is actually for your mind. And my ego. Yeah, I do got all those certificates. So also your mind can trust me after reading this hopefully. Started with intense body work with 19 when I visited Acting School (Schauspielschule Charlottenburg), I learned how to use the body - how to protect yourself from manipulation and use the power we got with that body for us and the highest best - using our voice, our gesture, movements - our vehicle in this life here to fill it with personality, how to give it a character and create a new identity - actually important work, which I do use in self-coaching mentoring, when guiding my clients in re-building their lifes after a crisis to create a new personality, that is stronger than ever before and unshakable in the core to overcome any challenge.
After finishing my dual studies in international business administrations I had my near-death experience at the age of 22 after a major disease and many months in hospital. I almost died from a sickness, the western medicine couldnt heal - that was the moment I awakend and learned how to heal myself. And that was also the first time I met an Ascended Master: Laozi. We became close friends and he introduced me to many other Ascended Master Friends. Since then I got a pretty cool crew "on the other side". A lot happened since then, I healed and started to support many other souls on their healing journey - by my side: My Friends: The Ascended Masters. Our mission is to heal together as many people as possible on this earth and guide them together to an awakening, more conscious life in self-responsibility in full power, health and abundance. Being in the frequency of unconditional love and peace within.
Oh jah, the ego part: In between I became a certified Light Being Therapist (educated by Dr. Petra Schneider) in 2015, did 4 intense elohim seminars for healers, did my Yoga Teacher Training in 200hrs + Ashtanga Yoga and Yin Yoga in 2018 on Lembongan, where I learned not only the asanas, but meridian healing theory and the healing power of breath work and mantra chanting- In 2019 I learned Self-Coaching Tools like EFT Tapping, Affirmation Work, Mirror Work from my Mentors in Los Angeles and New York City and opened my own healing space in Berlin in 2020: The Sacred Space, where I still guide besides my online work, the offline workshops in groups and 1:1 sessions in person.
All those tools and techniques are a powerful support in my healing work - the most important one is still my connection with higher realms, where I am just the channel and don´t do anything, but let the healing just flow through me to you. Thanks to The Ascended Masters and Light Beings.

Feel the Light
The Unknown. Words can´t describe. When Miracles are happening. When Magic unfolds.
Or in my friend´s words:
"Energy Work is the only work, that truly works."
The Touch of Light. Physically or Digitally.
Touching the Soul. Remembering your Essence.

Choose a better life
It is your conscious decision to make a change. It is your responsibility to start now. I am here for you supporting you on this magical journey into light. Right here. Right now.